Learning fun in 3/4 with Figurative Language "fortune tellers", and learning how to do sudoku puzzles. 😊

Working on elapsed time using a number line in 3/4. #mathisfun

The Penny-A-Thon is in full swing. We have some serious competition and it's only day one!

Below you will find a Google Form link to register for the summer camp that will be held at Clarksburg School. All information about the camp can be found below. You can also email any questions to Jordan Rennell at jrennell@nbsunion.com

Tell & Sell! Learning all about reading, creating and writing newspaper headlines.

All in a day's work in 5/6!

We come equipped for recess here on the mountain.

After a week of great work and effort, it's time to enjoy some Math or ELA you're-choice activity time. :)

This group loves to write and share stories! 😊❤️

Our Principal Promised to Kiss a Pig!

We were all decked out in our green for St. Patrick's Day today! ☘️☘️

A lively St Patrick's Day in 5/6

Reading time!

Sometimes indoor recess means Cotton Eyed Joe & the Cha Cha Slide!

The 5/6 took a trip to the Adams Free Library to do research for their multi genre projects.

Today we read It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw. Students then made their own cloud shapes, and shared with each other what they saw. It was lovely seeing everyone's imaginations come to life!

Exploring the many ways of working with fractions! Plus, we had a special helper today! 😉😄

Fake news....nope, not in the 5/6 classroom. We are recognizing and citing reliable sources!

Harry Potter Character Analysis Presentations

Math Jeopardy! What is...wicked fun!