Our 5/6 is immersed in dissecting owl pellets. Science is cool!
almost 2 years ago, Tracey Tierney
student doing science
student doing science
student doing science
student doing science
student doing science
student doing science
student doing science
student doing science
This is not your mother's dot-to-dot! 😉
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
After reading about The Revolutionary War in our Massachusetts books, 3/4 is completing an informational packet using additional information. They are very interested in this topic!
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
For our tiki tower we learned about lines of summetry, we measured the tower and did division to figure out 6 equal spaces (we didn't think we could do division, but WE DID!), everything was painted, colored, and cut out by students. Thank you to Kayla for helping with the assembly. Sorry about any hot glue burns. :)
almost 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Our finished tiki tower!!
PreK/K is learning about living and nonliving things. Songs, activities, and a pet rock project coming up! Stay tuned!
almost 2 years ago, Christina Engwer
Our living/nonliving song!
What are living things?
How can you tell if something is living?
Practicing our new song!
Kiddos examples of living and nonliving!
Group sort
Group sort
💖❤️ So sweet to find a hidden message on the chalkboard.
almost 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Best hidden message ever.
Now we are working on "Planning a Camping Trip" in math! We're reviewing all of our math skills from the year. 🏕️
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
We are starting construction of our tiki tower tomorrow!!
almost 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Painting some big palm fronds for our tiki tower
More decorations
The tiki faces for the tower
Painting is fun!
Starting our tiki tower for the dance!
almost 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Symmetry lesson
Coloring our initial tiki face ideas
Doing our best on our first drafts
When you visit PreK/K, you have to play Hot Potato! ♥️ Always a favorite!
almost 2 years ago, Christina Engwer
After school fun!
Hot Potato!
Morgan, Hunter, Lucas, Emily and Easton
Lunchtime Hot Potato!
Audrina, Ava and Emily
PreK/K and 1/2 Zooming with our Adopt A Cow! September Baby is getting so big!
almost 2 years ago, Christina Engwer
Belden Family
Zoom chat with Dairy Discovery!
Belden Farm, North Hatfield, MA
Discover Dairy, Dairy Excellence Foundation
Zoom Chat
September Baby
Buddy reading is always a favorite! 📖
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
April was National Poetry Month. In Library, students learned about various different styles of poems. We read Smart Cookie, by Jory John, as well as several poems by Jack Pretlusky, and Shel Silverstein. Each student wrote their own poem to add to our Poet-Tree.
almost 2 years ago, Meagheanne Donahue
Our Poet-Tree!
Poem leaves.
More poem leaves.
Students work on their poems.
Grades 3 & 4 worked together t create a cinquain about race cars.
PreK & K made a poem out of all the “ack” words they could rhyme.
Grades 1 & 2 created a cinquain about bunnies.
Smart Cookie by Jory John.
Smart Cookie unlocks confidence and creativity through poetry!
Poetry rocks!
Partners working on a math "build a playground" project.
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
Partners measuring the perimeter of objects around the room...📏
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
Drawing triangles and using a protractor to measure the angles! #180
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
Learning about flips, slides, and turns in geometry. 📐
almost 2 years ago, Kim Wells
PreK/K building CVC words! Excellent tapping out and spelling each word. ♥️
almost 2 years ago, Christina Engwer
Using magnet letters to build words
More CVC words
Vivian, Leigha, and Evelyn building words.
Tenley working with Kindergarten! great job!
Maison’s work! 🙂
At 10:29, students in 5/6 were begging for more time in math class before their 10:30 snack/recess break!
almost 2 years ago, Meagheanne Donahue
Math Around the World: Divisibility Rules Edition
Emma L. Miller makes learning FUN !
Students are active, engaged, and learning!
She blinded me with Science!
almost 2 years ago, Tracey Tierney
students in class
students in class
students in class
students outside
students outside
students outside