Read Across America Day in PreK/K. Celebrating Dr. Seuss and so much more...
about 2 years ago, Christina Engwer
Visit from the Cat in the Hat
Sitting patiently for the Cat in the Hat! 🙂
Cat in the Hat
Superintendent Franzoni came to visit!
Great listening skills!
Mrs. Nowicki came to visit!
Great stories!
Escape from the Cat in the Hat “brain break.” Students have to hide!
Eascaping from the Cat in the Hat!
Hide! Don’t let the Cat in the Hat see you! 😂
Read Across America Day in the 5/6 classroom 📚📖📕
about 2 years ago, Jessica Badorini
Learning about Milton Hershey with Mrs. Nowicki
The Cat and the Hat!
Mrs. Barnes read some poetry!
Reading poetry with small groups
Our first round of reading buddies!
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Reading is always better with a bean bag chair.
Reading with friends is the best.
Such a fun day.
One of our special readers today!!
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Thank you, Cat in the Hat!!
PreK/K learning all about dental health. February was dental health month 🙂
about 2 years ago, Christina Engwer
Scholastic Magazine
Showing off healthy smiles
Students brainstormed “How to have Happy Teeth!"
Math dice game to complete a tooth craft
Making a happy mouth
Another dice tooth craft!
Compare and contrast: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! Can't watch the movie without a cup of Butterbeer! ⚡️🪄🧙🏻
about 2 years ago, Jessica Badorini
Venn Diagrams to compare
Movie and treats
How similar is the book to the movie?
Do you want to build a snowman....or a snow fort or snow angels!
about 2 years ago, Tracey Tierney
building snow forts
building snowmen
building snowmen
building snowmen
snow angels
Our 3/4 students building math fluency with a bit of competition.
about 2 years ago, Tracey Tierney
student on a computer
computer screen
student on a computer
student on a computer
student on a computer
classroom photo
students on computers
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
So much fun!
5/6 loved sports day! 🏈🥎🏀🏍️
about 2 years ago, Jessica Badorini
goooo team!
Final Round!
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Turtle challenge and Tug-of-War math
Round 3!
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Candy Land and Chess
Turtle Building Challange
Round 2!
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Memory and puzzles
Color Jenga
Students' book awards are rolling in!
about 2 years ago, Meagheanne Donahue
After finishing his award, this student eagerly began rereading his favourite book.
Each award description will be affixed inside the book cover.
A fantastic example of a student literary award.
Green Eggs and Ham won The Night Award.
Round 1 of Game Board Time!!
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Princess and the Pea
Classic Chess
Weird But True is just the coolest. 😎 🆒️
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
It's a good Thursday in 1/2.
First and Second grade in their sports attire! 😎
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Sports Day!
The students loved these so much I had to make more copies. :)
about 2 years ago, Erica LeGrand
Students love mad-libs
So funny!
Valentine Mad-libs!
Analyzing character traits in Harry Potter!
about 2 years ago, Tracey Tierney
students working
students working
students working
students working
students working
students working
If we were 100 years old... 😂. Thank you Jamie Boucher for this terrific activity with the PreK/ K!
about 2 years ago, Christina Engwer
Guess Who?? 😂