A very productive Friday!

Everyone in 1/2 is enjoying our new listening center! Started things off with The Cat in the Hat Comes Back! ❤️📖

Starting of November with some frosty recess fun!

5/6 plays an interactive decimal review game 🦃

On Monday, among haunted shelves, students in Grades PreK through 2 enjoyed readings of Aaron Reynold's "Creepy Carrots," and Dorothy Guthrie's "The Witch Has an Itch." Grades 3 through 6 continued our reading of The Power of Poppy Pendle in anticipation of our author visit from Natasha Lowe.

And still more! 😁

More pics!

Some pictures from our Ioka Valley field trip! It was so much fun on this beautiful fall day!

The Monster Mash Musical Bingo!

We are learning about cardinal directions and the compass rose. Now we know which direction to go to find Santa and the North Pole!

Partners discussing and then sharing things they notice about these four different works of art.

Hot Diggity Dog! Long division scavenger hunt in 5/6 🐶🦴

Hot Diggity Dog! Long division scavenger hunt in 5/6 🐶🦴

Hot Diggity Dog! Long division scavenger hunt in 5/6 🐶🦴

Today in math we about fact families in math, and created fact family haunted houses! 👻

Today in math we about fact families in math, and created fact family haunted houses! 👻

Enjoying our new Morning Meeting greeting, "Knock, knock...whose there?" 😊

Today in Library, we read Margaret Wise Brown's "Goodnight Moon," followed by Michael Rex's book "Goodnight Goon." Students enjoyed picking out the similarities and differences between the two books.

Using tools and working hard in math.

Practicing writing sentences!