Enjoying the beautiful day ☀️🕶️

Playing Blooket during our Friday preferred activity time!

First and second graders playing "Pass the Lucky Clover", a kind of musical chairs. When the music stopped, at whoever's desk they ended up at, they wrote a compliment on that student's shamrock. They could choose from a list of ideas or create their own. 🍀❤️

Brain Breaks!! 🕺

Playing one of our favorite Morning Meeting games- Guess the Number. Students (and teachers!) can only ask 10 yes or no questions to try to figure out the mystery number. 😄

We learned to use a ruler this week! Some of us measured desk tops, pencil boxes, chair backs, and pencils.

Second graders learning to "drop the
'e' before adding -ed or -ing".

PK/K celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday with lots of books, games, activities, lessons, and crafts! 🙂

Each morning we hunt for more numbers to add to our hundreds chart. We are noticing more patterns as we get closer to completion. Almost there!

Spelling buddies!

5/6 learned about the many trades in a colonial settlement, using an interactive program on their Chromebooks!

Emily completed her Tower of Books and read 30 different books so far this year! Way to go, Emily 🙌🏻

Using our graphic novel to write acrostic poems 📝

Diving into our shark research projects!

Shark Week begins in 3/4!

Colonial jobs poster making ⚒️🕯️🧵

For Read Across America, we jazzed it up a bit with Dr. Seuss windsocks, agamographs, and, of course, watching Wes Tank rap our favourite Dr. Seuss classics!


Fun Friday Bingo! Thank you 5/6 for helping PreK/K! 🙂❤️

Interactive Stem-and-Leaf Plots for Data Fridays in 5/6! 📈📊 (plus school spirit in blue!)