Just rapping about the states of matter 🧊💧💨 😎

Our tin foil hats. Aliens will never be able to read our minds!

A book tasting our books about Outer Space.

Wacky Wednesday in 5/6!
Gray for color day and a visit from Nurse Kate to read "The Girl Who Cried Nurse"

5/6 is building a thinking classroom using math Splats!

What better way to reinforce rhyming sense than with a little Dr. Seuss to end the day!
(And The Cat in the Hat never gets old!)

Halloween Freeze Dance brain break, and a cooperative Morning Meeting activity! ❤️

Learning about the life cycle of plants in 1/2. 🌱🪴

Identifying Theme with our reading groups!

Money, money, money! It's all about dollars and cents!

Various daily activities in 1/2, from reading, to learning sight words, to math splats!

Music makes us happy!

Our teachers being awesome!

We are building a thinking classroom with math splats!

Brogan pulled an extra recess scan-it ticket and chose to use it today. 5/6 enjoyed some sunshine and fall weather this afternoon! 🍁🍂🍃

Building bird feeders with Logan!

We had a magical week in 5/6! Hogwarts house sorting and potion making 🪄🧪

Building stronger reading and language skills!

Math problem solving tasks in 1/2.

Impressions of the Zones of Regulation. Showing what each feeling might look like... ❤️😂