We love it when Ms. Jordan visits and reads to us us in K/1!

Brrrr, it’s cold up here in Savoy! Please dress those kiddos warmly when the come to school in the morning. ❄️

Gracey just makes our school a great place to be!

Indoor Recess is always fun!

Welcome to the new NBSU/Emma L. Miller Live Feed App. We hope you find this tool helpful.

The Savoy School Committee will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 10th at 5:00pm at the school.

No School on Thursday, Nov. 11th in honor of Veteran's Day.

Pediatric Vaccination Clinics Available. Visit https://townofsavoy.com and https://getvaccinatedberkshires.org for more information.

Emma L. Miller Friday Family Focus 10/22

Come to Savoy Town Park on Saturday, October 30 1-3pm for Trunk or Treat!