We are the kings and queens of math! #mathcrowns

Another fun Morning Meeting activity....the guesser has to guess the number on their back by asking "yes" or "no" questions. So fun and a great way to help build number sense! (Mrs. LaBonte did a great job too!) 😁

A new Morning Meeting favorite activity....telephone! An oldie but a goodie! 😉

A great week in the 3/4 classroom.

Students in 5/6 are rocking partner work with their new spelling workbooks.

What a wonderful time we had at our Teddy Bear Picnic! We met so many Teddys, Barrys, and two Tommys! We even had a bear named Toothpick!

1/2 working on dice activities, building words, and "signing" sight words.

Grades 1/2 enjoying some extra earned Preferred Activity Time. Exploring STEM activities to close out a great week!

Friends playing games during indoor recess. 😊

"Dot Talks" in grades 1/2, with students explaining how many and how they see them. It's very interesting to hear the different ways of grouping objects!

Magnetic marble run during indoor recess. We love our STEM activity kits!

Using map grids to find the treasure!

Our State Troopers spent a few minutes with PreK/K after our lockdown drill. It was great meeting our troopers! The kids loved asking questions and talking with them. Thank you Troopers! ❤️

Grades 1/2 being musical conductors and singing along in music class! 🎼

Scholastic has changed their ordering process this year. Instead of paper order forms at the back of the booklet, you will find a QR code to scan. All orders will be done online. Please be sure to select our school and your child's teacher when you create your account. Your orders allow us to purchase additional books for our classrooms.
Happy reading!

Our first Library classes of the year, and things went swimmingly! I am particularly impressed with our first and second graders, who will be reading a chapter book with me this year.

PreK/K reviewing our letter and number skills with different group activities. Play dough was definitely a hit!

1/2 doing some book "shopping" to fill our book boxes.

1/2 playing "Make a Ten" with partners in math!

Love notes from our families during Open House!