More geometry with exploring roof angles, and learning about flips, slides, and turns.

A few weeks ago, Ms. Saldo and I, submitted artwork from PreK/K into an art project. Yesterday, I received word that ALL the artwork from our class was chosen to be published into a Me and My Family book!! 😁❤️

Last but not least! We are finishing up on our Ocean Life Projects!

Meet the Emma Miller Kindness Squad!

All the angles! Protractor practice with 5/6 📐

Friday fun math games! ➕🟰➖

Random happenings from the 1/2 classroom this week. 😊

Ocean themed dioramas!

Gr. 3/4 Oral Presentations!

Indoor recess fun and reading biographies!

Using geoboards and rubber bands to explore shapes in math. 📐

Solar Eclipse 2024!

Solar eclipse QR scavenger hunt! 🌒

Today is all about a super, cool celestial event!

Random pics from 1/2 this week. ❤️

More geometry- building shapes with shapes in 1/2! 📐

Some 3/4 snaps from this week.

We substituted a quiet drawing session for music today using the "Art for Kids Hub" app. 🎨🖌️

1/2 started geometry this week. They are sorting open and closed figures.

5/6 loves spending rainy days working on our novel study! 🌧️📖