Forest Park Zoo!

Finding the ducks! It was amazing to see the older students help the younger ones find ducks. What a great group of kids we have here at Emma Miller 🐥

Kindness Squad hid tiny ducks around the school to bring some joy to students and staff ☀️

Game time collaboration!

All in a week's work in 1/2!❤️😊

Still working hard in grades 1/2!

Grades 1/2 are working on a fun math project! 🍭🍬➕➖

US Map Skills for the Win!

Exciting activities during rotations today.

Adoption Day in PreK/K for their pet rocks! 😁

Extra recess on this gorgeous day!

Trashketball to review math!

In our library class, we read Emma Carlson Berne's book about Memorial Day. Students read and colored a Memorial Day booklet. We decorated a section of our fence line as a tribute, and students held red poppies aloft in honor of our fallen service members.

Teaming up to solve a whodunnit mystery! 🕵️

Using our Chromebooks to work on percentage conversions and answer reading comprehension questions!

All in a week's work in 1/2! ❤️

Friday PAT time fun in 1/2!

Randoms from our learning this week.

Friday and chill with art!

Learning is fun in PreK/K! 🙂❤️ Math games and working on fine motor skills!